Board of Directors
Yvette Highsmith, Community Health Center, Inc., Board Chair
Aura Alvarado, Capital Region Educational Council
Michael Bergin, Miss Porter's School
Kathleen Bromage, Retired​
Hillary Rockwell Cahn, Suffield Academy
Marco Carducci, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Nicole Carmichael-Keel, The Hartford
Jen Centrone, Arch Capital Group
John Charette, Solidus
Sr. Mary Rose Crowley, SNDdeN
Lori Groth, GAF
Sarah Lahr Fitzsimons, Capital Region Educational Council
Marcia Herrera, MH Custom Imports
Melvette Hill, Connecticut General Assembly
Karen Jarmoc, Springfield JCC​
​​Sandra Marin Lautier, Robinson & Cole LLP
Lindsey McPhee, Co-Founder
​Kara Mitchell, Mintz + Hoke
Marjorie E. Morrissey, Retired
Lakesha Rivera, MS, CNM, RNC-OB, Women's Health CT
Janel Simpson, UConn Health
Thomas Sliney, Bay Colony Advisors
Suzanne Tamburro, The Hartford
Rachel Tressy, VOYA Financial
Ex Officio: Princess Hyatt, Executive Director & Head of School