See below for frequently asked questions:
What is the school size and class size?
We are intentionally small with 15-16 students per class; 60-66 girls total.
What is the student/teacher ratio?
The student/teacher ratio is 6:1.
Where will graduates attend high school?
Grace Academy is designed to prepare young women for entry into private high schools. Graduates will often receive invitations to attend local private day schools and some to boarding schools, while others may opt for local magnet or charter schools.​

What kind of student does Grace Academy seek to enroll?
We seek to enroll students from the city of Hartford who qualify for the Federal Free- and Reduced- Lunch Program. These students, and their families, must be motivated and willing to accept the challenges of our extensive academic and extended -day, week, and year- program.
How do I apply to Grace Academy?
In order to attend Grace Academy, you must fill out an application packet or directly request the forms by calling 860-263-7535. In addition to filling out the application forms, you are required to take an entrance exam and schedule an interview.
What grades are you accepting applications?
We accept applications for students entering grades 5 or 6.
Are entrance exams required for admission?
All applicants are required to take our Entrance Exam to be considered for admission.
Is Financial Aid available?
Grace Academy is tuition free; however, we do require a $10 Activity Fee payable each month during the academic year.
When will I know if my daughter has been accepted to Grace Academy?
Every prospective student is required to participate in our Rising Star Program in June. A final admission decision will be made after the program ends in late June.

How do students get to Grace Academy?
School buses, serviced by Hartford Public School transportation, are provided to the following students living in the city of Hartford:
Grade 5: 5th grade students living 1 mile or more away from the school are eligible to receive school bus transportation.
Grades 6-8: 6th through 8th grade students living 1.5 miles or more away from the school are eligible to receive school bus transportation
*Students who are not eligible for busing based on the requirements above are responsible for their own transportation to Grace Academy, whether through carpooling, public transportation, and/or parent drop-off.
What activities do you offer?
Along with choir, band, and strings lessons, Grace Academy offers a wide range of activities during our extended-day including:
Athletics such as soccer, golf, basketball and volleyball
Clubs (Art, Dance, Drama, Public Speaking, Photography, Cooking, Yoga and many more!)​
Is Grace Academy religiously affiliated with a church or denomination?
Grace Academy is an independent, non-denominational, yet inter-faith school. The day begins with a daily general assembly, known as the Circle of Peace and Respect, that includes prayer from many faith traditions. Our students will take classes in ethics, morals and comparative religion.
Are there students at Grace Academy that come from various faiths?
Students come from a variety of faith and non-faith backgrounds.